
The explanation of the relative movements in the Solar System and their consequences involves a considerable difficulty. Several problems derive of the big magnitudes used in these studies and the complexity of the movements, and, furthermore, previous mistaken ideas add up to this with frequency.

Even when we reduce the range of the study to the triangle formed by the Sun-Earth-Moon system, we are forced to turn to simplified models to explain its structure, dynamics and the phenomena derived of these dynamics. These models offer simplified representations of the reality, in which spatial and temporal scales are modified, and vary from the simplest, made up of cork spheres, to the most sophisticated, generated by means of computer-based programs.

k-Solar System has been designed with an educational aim. Based on a realistic model of the Solar System, it offers several scenarios specifically adapted to the teaching and learning of the curricular contents of Primary Education and Secondary Education. Interactive views are presented in each scenario for which the most adequate scale and ways of interaction have been chosen for the comprehension of the different phenomena.

  • Visually attractive: it uses realistic textures and tridimensional scenariossuitable for the projection on a giant screen.
  • Interactive and easy to use by means of an interface based on the movement of the user’s body. This is detected thanks to a Kinect device, with which the students can control the different scenarios through gestures.
  • Educationally relevant. It promotes active learning through the resolution of problems. In each activity, important questions are set out which are to be answered with the help of the software.

In each of the proposed activities, the stress has been laid on the most frequent didactic difficulties, detected and described by teachers and investigators and common in the majority of students.

k-Solar System is presented to educators and science divulgators as an effective resource for the teaching and learning of contents related to the Solar System, aimed at different educational levels.

Last news

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K-SolarSystem at Foro PILOT 2015


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K-SolarSystem at @Clavecie,


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